Commercial Underwriting Do You Support/oppose Measure To Break Up Biggest Financial Firms..separate Commercial From Investment Banking?
Do you support/oppose measure to break up biggest financial firms..separate commercial from investment banking? - commercial underwriting ...
Five House Democrats this week and demanded a return to Depression-era law that separated investment banking on Wall Street commercial banks on Main Street.
If approved, the measure would the banks a year to get to choose between commercial banks and investment banks. The largest nation - now commonly broke out as "too big to fail" -. The Obama administration opposes the measure.
The five amendments to the sponsors - Maurice Hinchey, New York, John Conyers of Michigan, Peter DeFazio of Oregon, Jay Inslee of Washington and John Tierney of Massachusetts - to restore the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which prohibits banks d "Underwriting business of stocks and bonds. The Act was repealed in 1999 on the initiative, including Larry Summers, now the economic adviser of President Barack Obama.
I am for the reconstruction of the legislation on the banks - and return to the gold standard, too. America is in financial turmoil has been caused by the banks are entitled to participate in all types of financial transactions, insurance, stocks and mutual funds, hedge funds. We return, as they re-established by banking regulations were, after the stock market crash in 1929.
I am a centrally planned economy to. You can not control the market more than you can control the weather.
I'm all for such a reform. While generally favorable for Obama, I strongly believe it should be harder on Wall Street.
Some major investors in Citigroup are Muslims from the United Arab Emirates and Singapore
Do you really think that Muslims do not want, do not see the United States?
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