Ick Medication And Pregnancy My Fish Has, I Believe, Been Overdosed With Ick Medication. Is There Anything I Can Do For Him Now?
My fish has, I believe, been overdosed with ick medication. Is there anything I can do for him now? - ick medication and pregnancy
I had a few fish and the last thing you bought was treated in the pet store for ick. We were always treated here. Needless to say, he had the treatment twice and is now very lethargic and his eyes are cloudy. There's nothing I can do for him?
This is an Oscar if it makes a difference.
If the drug is added to the water, I would be a partial change of the water, not more than 50%.
If the drug is added to the water, I would be a partial change of the water, not more than 50%.
oscers fish tend to be very difficult. I'm pretty sure that double-ick treatment that are probably more. If you have a very small tank that might have something to do. Dose would consintrated. Hope this helps
Make sure the water is good. Water test kits can help maintain good conditions. You can also try some melafix the correct dose.
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